「台灣先生」、前花旗環球證券台灣區研究部主管谷月涵(Peter Kurz)日前退休後,動向持續受到矚目,最新消息指出,谷月涵有了新去向,將擔任寬量國際(QIC)策略長,並於13日舉行記者會。
經濟日報 記者趙于萱
Alex is a creative and passionate entrepreneur and CEO who founded QIC. At its core, QIC's ambition is to advise companies, founders, and global investors to maximize their shareholder values amidst the drastic transformation of businesses and capital markets in Asia. Before starting up QIC in 2012, he had successful careers in Asian equity, investment banking, and public policy advisory for 20 years with long-standing CEO roles at top-tier global and Asian investment banks, and board directors at many outstanding Asian financial institutions and technology companies.