On April 12th and 13th, 2018, QIC hosted the 3rd Taiwan CEO Day at Conrad Hotel Hong Kong.
We brought 17 Chairman and CEO of 15 Taiwan-listed companies, introducing them to 70 international institutions by setting up more than 250 meetings during this two-day event.
(Event News Link 1; Event News Link 2)
俞绮及宽量国际团队致力于协助大中华区企业,经由Corporate Days,海外路演和线上会议,提供企业客户接触亚洲、美国和欧洲等全球投资人的机会,并于香港和新加坡两地与线上举办一年两次的Taiwan CEO Week投资论坛活动,与全球国际机构投资人沟通。
过去6年在宽量国际,俞绮筹划举办12场Taiwan CEO Week活动,协助新经济、生技公司、半导体、再生能源、AI、Cloud-Service、金融服务、消费产业等领域超过170家企业与全球国际投资人进行超过3500场会议。